- 陶瓷厂 ceramic factory
- 陶瓷板 ceramic plate
- 陶瓷纤维 ceramic fibre
- 建筑陶瓷 structural ceramics
- 美术陶瓷 artistic ceramics
- 陶瓷鉴定 Appraisal of Pottery and Porcelain
- 陶瓷史 ceramic history
- 埃及陶瓷 Egyptian pottery
- 艾洛陶瓷 allocs
- 普通陶瓷 General Pottery and Porcelain
- 陶瓷管 earthenware pipe
- 特种陶瓷 special ceramics
- 铁电陶瓷 ferroelectric ceramics
- 邯郸陶瓷 Handan ceramics
- 唐山陶瓷 Tangshan ceramics
- 卫生陶瓷 sanitary ceramics
- 淄博陶瓷 Zibo ceramics
- 宜兴陶瓷 boccaro
- 阿普列陶瓷 Aprey faience
- 景德镇陶瓷学院 Ceramic Institutes Of Jingdezhen